Saturday, December 4, 2010


"cik MARA, ble cik MARA nk bg kami elaun?? da pnat tw kami tnggu,,, apa la cik MARA ni..kami da xde duit skang.," berkata si a kpd sape pon xtw..bebel sorg agak la keluhan sorg pelajar yg da x sabar2 nk dpt elaun.. yela, da kering sgt ni weh..! org ckp maybe awl sem 2 ni dpt cek..dy bg time dftar.. ermm.. ok gak kan best klu dpt skang??bleh gak shopping b4 msuk sem br..hik3..ish,xyah nk shopping sgt ah..kempen jimat cermat skang nih.. BUT, there's one thing yg sy teringin sgt2 nk bli pkai duit tuh..ha... jeng3....!
LOLLIPOP! bkn lollipop mkanan tuh..yg girls slalu dok mkn..yg colourful n mcm2 bntuk ad.. maaf, klu yg 2 xyah tnggu duit elaun pon xpe..skang gak bleh gi ha bendalahnye...

cun kan..sgt2,,hehe.. tp utk model ni i really like the red one.. yg pink 2 pon lawa gak..

cair beb ble tgk fon nih..! cpt la dpt duit..owh ya, the price!! dlu hrga dy lam RM799 but now bleh dpt as low as RM640..kne pndai plih la kn.. tp kan skang ad lollipop 2!!!!!!!!! tgk bwh ni....

AND tgk la spe yg nyanyi utk promo fon nih!!!!!! hehe.. BIGBANG kot..... love them so much!

ok, sedikit sebanyak psl lollipop2 nih : 

The LG KV700 Lollipop 2 has the following features:2.8 inch TFT internal display with 240 x 400 pixels, EvDo connectivity, an external 5 x 15 LED Matrix display3, and  Megapixel camera. The Lollipop 2 LG KV700 has released a total of three colors: pink, dark pink and blue.

ada lagi sebenarnya tapi mlas nk tulih pnjang2..klu nk tw lebih lanjut google la sndiri yek...hehe..ermm..ermm.. the sad thing bout lollipop 2 is:  

Sad to say, we don’t know  when the Lollipop 2 will come to Singapore, Malaysia, or other South-Asian.

hurmm..xpela, nk wt cmne kn..waaaaaarghhh.. sape nk tlg blikan phone nih??x ksah la lollipop or lollipop2.. lmbat sgt la nk tnggu elaun.. cheq da xleh nk sabaq da ni..
hurm...hurm..ish, taley cmni.. saba la syg..nt dpt la duit tu..i tw u nk sgt lollipop tu tp nk wat cmne an..huhu.. ok, otak da x center..somebody, pliz help me!!! peace no war..!  =)

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